Nam D. Do (he/him)


My research interest is in Natural Language Processing, and Computational Education. I am affiliated with the Brown University Language Representation and Understanding Lab, working with Professor Ellie Pavlick.

I am interested in commonsense reasoning, computational pragmatics, NLP & Privacy, challenge set construction, meta learning, and downstream NLP applications (e.g., in health, political science, and education).

Feel free to check out my Google Scholar.


I am passionate about Computer Science education (on top of using Computer Science to enhance education). In the past, I have been a Teaching Assistant / Head Teaching Assistant for the following courses at Brown University:


I am currently working as a Software Engineer for a biotech company that uses AI to transform pathology.


I like Buddhism, and I try to practice as much as I can. Here are the resources that significantly informed my views on Buddhism (and on being, at large).